In 2010, struggling to find a local studio for our young daughter to study the arts, we, Maria Patrick and David Delgadillo, teamed up together to create a one of a kind FINE ARTS & MUSIC STUDIO in Los Angeles, California called ARTSTUDIO.LA.

Our primary goal from the start has been to create a supportive and encouraging environment for all our students, no matter what their level of experience or skill.  With a daughter that has always loved the fine arts, we wanted to create a place that would embrace her individuality as an artist while still instilling the fundamentals through practice and experience. 

We believe that being creative and making artwork is necessary and life enriching!  We reach this goal daily by giving our students the tools they need to realize their own creative potential by supporting students with step by step guidance and individual feedback on their work.

We are not a traditional class setting.

When you attend our studio, you are led by your individual needs.  While the guidance is provided by very experienced and fundamentally solid teachers, we try to not structure your learning in a 1-2-3 blueprint.

Your training will be given based on interest & your skill level.  At ARTSTUDIO.LA, we supports all ages, from children, teens AND adults.  As your art matures, we will give you the coaching you need at that time.  There is no set age or timeline for learning a particular lesson, and we will prove this to you.

We love to meet new individuals that walk in our doors everyday.  The learning at our studio is ongoing & new students may enroll at any time.

Class sizes at our studio are always kept small to allow you one on one time with our instructors at every session.

We look forward to meeting you and bringing out your inner artist.